The E stands for Equall-x feeling cause we all deserve to be seen

Artist Alfredo Rabansky

    'Gezichten' staan in mijn werk centraal.

    De motivatie de (gezichts)figuren te maken en de EquAllXClub op te richten ligt in het onbegrip over hokjesdenken. Iedereen heeft immers een eigen gezicht en verdient het om gezien te worden. De digitaal ontworpen EquAll-X faces geven daar uiting aan. Club staat overigens voor ´connection likes us both´

    EquAll-X face Rome
    Internationale hoofdsteden deel2_Dublin
    equAll-X all over the world_Belmopan
    Internationale hoofdsteden deel2_Abu Dhabi--
    equAll-X all over the world_Brazzaville
    equAll-X all over the world_Dakar
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Amman
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Antananarivo
    Internationale hoofdsteden deel2_Dubai
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Apia
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Ashgabat
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Astana
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Asuncion
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Baghdad
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Bamako
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Bandar Seri Begawan
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Bangui
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Bishkek
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Bloemfontein
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Bratislava
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Bucharest
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Castries
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Chisinau
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Damascus
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Djoeba
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Doha
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Dushanbe
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Freetown
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Funafuti
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Gaborone
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Hanoi
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Islamabad
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Jakarta
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Kathmandu
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Khartoum
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Taipei
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Skopje
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Tehran
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Vaduz
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Addis Abeba
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Asmara
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Banjul
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Conakry
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Dilic
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Quito
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Djibouti
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Georgtown
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Tarawa
    Internationale hoofdsteden_Buenos Aires--
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 4_Tasjkent
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Ottawa
    equAll-X all over the world_Havana--
    Internationale hoofdsteden_Berlin
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Tbilis
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Surva
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_San Salvador
    Internationale hoofdsteden deel2_Brasilia
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Saint George’s
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Santa Dominco
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Roseau
    equAll-X all over the world_deel 5_Libreville
    Internationale hoofdsteden_Cape Town
    Internationale hoofdsteden_Canberra
    Internationale hoofdsteden_Copenhagen
    Internationale hoofdsteden deel2_Bissau
    EquAll/X face New York City
    EquAll-X face Yaounde
    EquAll-X face Wellington

    ´Faces´ are central in my work.

    The motivation to make the (facial) figures I do lies in the lack of understanding of pigeonholing. After all, everyone has their own face and deserves to be seen. Club, by the way, stands for ´connection likes us both´.

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